Report: South American official fired after signing deal with fake country The United States of Kailasa set up by Indian conman

Hindu cult leader Nithyananda created The United States of Kailasa after fleeing India

The United States of Kailasa

The Paraguayan government dismissed a senior official who had entered into an agreement created by a Hindu cult leader who had fled India.

Arnaldo Chamorro, the chief of staff for the Agriculture Ministry, acknowledged that he had been deceived and signed a memorandum of understanding with representatives of The United States of Kailasa. This fictional country purportedly claims existence on a South American island.

Chamorro explained to reporters, “They came and expressed a wish to help Paraguay. They presented several projects, we listened to them and that was that.” The admission came after it was revealed that he had fallen victim to a scam orchestrated by the leader of the cult.

Representatives from Kailasa also had a meeting with Agriculture Minister Carlos Gimenez, but the motives behind attempting to deceive him remain unclear.

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Chamorro admitted that he had no knowledge of Kailasa’s location on the map and attempted to justify signing the “memorandum of understanding” by stating that the representatives had offered assistance to Paraguay on various issues. The incident highlights the confusion and lack of due diligence that led to the government officials being misled by the fictional country.

Kailasa is the imaginative creation of Nithyananda, a self-proclaimed “Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism” (SPH) and guru, who fled India while facing charges of abduction and rape. He established his self-proclaimed “nation,” Kailasa, on an island off the coast of Ecuador, claiming to aim at reviving the ancient Hindu civilization of Kailasa.

Nithyananda has faced serious allegations, including the kidnapping of multiple children kept in confinement to solicit donations for his ashram. Additionally, he has been accused of raping one of his disciples. Before his escape from India, Nithyananda had garnered a substantial spiritual following, as reported by The Guardian. The incident involving the Paraguayan government officials signing a memorandum of understanding with Kailasa highlights the dubious nature of Nithyananda’s claims and activities.

Nithyananda swamy

In 2019, Nithyananda established Kailasa, purporting it to be “the world’s greatest and purest Hindu nation.” Citizenship is claimed to be restricted to practicing Hindus, with applicants required to make a donation to the country. Notably, Kailasa’s website asserts “immunity as head of state,” citing examples like the Queen of Britain and the President of the United States.

This suggests that Nithyananda may have created his so-called “country” as a potential strategy to shield himself from prosecution. The move appears to be an attempt to establish a form of diplomatic immunity by presenting himself as a head of state.

The website for Kailasa dedicates significant space to elucidate the concept of “protection and immunity as a traveling head of state.” It cites various “proclamations” that Nithyananda purportedly received, aiming to establish legitimacy for his claim. These proclamations are said to have come from several American cities, including Buena Park, California; Brownstown Township, Michigan; Texarkana, Texas; and Deland, Florida, among others.


The inclusion of such proclamations suggests an effort to create an appearance of recognition and support for Nithyananda’s self-proclaimed status as a head of state.

Nithyananda and representatives of Kailasa attempted to establish official ties with legal entities by attending two United Nations committee meetings in Geneva earlier this year. However, the United Nations removed comments from Kailasa representatives from the official record.

The country’s website also claims that its representatives have extended their “diplomatic network” across Africa and South Asia, including securing a “new bilateral agreement with the Republic of Ghana.” The assertion of diplomatic engagement and agreements, especially with the United Nations and countries like Ghana, raises questions about the legitimacy of Kailasa’s claims and activities on the international stage.

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