Trump leads Biden in key states: ‘The hissy fits are already incredible’

Pundits from CNN, ABC, NBC, and others have expressed concern about a recent New York Times poll

A recent and rather harsh poll has caused quite a stir in the media. The New York Times-Siena College poll, released on Sunday, reveals that former President Trump is currently leading President Biden by up to 10 points in five crucial battleground states that Biden had won in the 2020 election.

In the poll, Trump holds a 10-point lead in Nevada, a six-point lead in Georgia, and a five-point lead in both Arizona and Michigan, while having a four-point lead in Pennsylvania. In Wisconsin, President Biden maintains a two-point lead over Trump. It’s worth noting that Biden had emerged victorious in all six of these states during the 2020 election.

Consequently, former Obama adviser and CNN’s senior political analyst, David Axelrod, proposed on Sunday that it might be “wise” for President Biden to consider stepping aside from the 2024 presidential race.

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In a thread on a social media platform, Axelrod stated, “Only @JoeBiden can make this decision. If he chooses to continue his campaign, he would likely secure the Democratic Party’s nomination. What he needs to determine is whether this decision is prudent and serves his best interests or the nation’s.”

Axelrod acknowledged that it’s quite late in the game for the Democratic Party to introduce a new candidate.

Trump leads Biden in key states

However, he emphasized that the recent poll results were a troubling indication for the party. He stated, “It’s very late to switch candidates; a lot of unpredictable events will unfold in the next year, and Biden’s team asserts his determination to run is unwavering. While he’s defied conventional wisdom in the past, this will undoubtedly raise genuine concerns within the party—though not unwarranted panic, it’s legitimate worry.”

Also on Sunday, President Biden’s former White House press secretary, Jen Psaki, invited Rep. Pramila Jayapal, a Democrat from Washington, to discuss the poll on her MSNBC show.

“I have to admit, Jen, this is the first time I’ve felt that the 2024 election may pose significant challenges for the president and for the Democratic Party’s control,” Jayapal confided to Psaki during their conversation.

Max Boot, a columnist for The Washington Post, shared the poll results on a social media platform and expressed concern, saying, “What is wrong with people? Seriously. There’s a deeply disturbing lack of judgment among those surveyed.”

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By Monday morning, these remarkable poll numbers had taken center stage in a busy news cycle.

NBC News’ First Read newsletter raised a warning, informing its readers that President Biden might be facing significant challenges.

The NBC News newsletter highlighted that the prevailing assumption has been that the 2024 election will primarily serve as a referendum on Donald Trump if he secures the GOP presidential nomination. However, it posed the question, “What if 2024 turns out to be more of a referendum on President Joe Biden?”

NBC News then referenced the poll, observing that the conflict in Gaza appears to have negatively impacted Biden’s standing among Democratic voters, but the upcoming “legal drama” for Trump could potentially alter the landscape.

The newsletter concluded by emphasizing, “Nevertheless, the New York Times/Siena poll, along with other similar surveys, indicate that President Biden is in a precarious position for an incumbent.”

Subscribers to the Axios AM newsletter were met with a sharp focus on President Biden’s challenges. Jim VandeHei and Mike Allen of Axios wrote, “President Biden has a growing race problem.”

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They noted that this issue first emerged somewhat quietly during the 2020 election when Biden won but saw a decline in support among Hispanic and Black voters. They went on to describe it as an alarming crisis for the White House, one that poses a real threat to his chances of re-election. The authors pointed out that consistent trends in multiple polls indicate that Biden is losing support among Hispanic and Black voters, especially among younger demographics and in crucial swing states.

Axios AM noted that a “brutal” New York Times-Siena College poll had “unpredictable results,” including a 33-point drop in Biden’s support among non-white voters from 2020.

ABC’s “Good Morning America” co-anchor George Stephanopoulos called the poll “tough news” for Biden before chief Washington correspondent Jonathan Carl took it a step further.

“Look, it’s a wake-up call. It’s a wake-up call, not just for the Biden White House, not just for the Democrats, but for anybody who’s afraid of what a return to the Trump presidency might mean. He could win,” said Karl.

NBC’s “Today” also reported the release of a “poll setting that sets off major alarm bells for Democrats.”

“Are Democrats worried? Certainly, some of them are,” said senior Washington correspondent Holly Jackson.


The poll dominated the discussion on ABC’s “The View” Monday, but co-host Ana Navarro said Democrats shouldn’t panic, but instead realize it’s Biden or bust at this late date.

“If you want to beat Donald Trump, stop clutching your pearls and get to work,” she said.

Curtis Haque, managing editor of Newsbusters, noted that legacy media outlets also covered the negative poll, but urged the public to pay attention to the “hissy fits” that have already begun.

“After crediting the liberal media for actually covering the recent bad polls for President Biden, readers and viewers should immediately mock their hyperventilation,” Houk told Fox News Digital.

“The hissy fits are already incredible. More importantly, the reactions are a reminder of +`decades of liberal press contempt and, at times, hatred of viewers who didn’t vote for them and don’t share their worldview,'” Huck continued. “Give it a few months and if the numbers stay the same, expect them to be like the kids melting down and rolling on the grocery store floor when their parents won’t let them give them candy or sugary cereal.”

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