State official demands answers about Biden’s attempt to register illegals to vote

Mississippi SOS Michael Watson says the Biden executive order creates ‘numerous opportunities’ for ineligible voters to vote

The Secretary of State in Mississippi sent a letter to the Department of Justice, asking them to stop enforcing a rule from President Biden. He’s concerned that this rule might be used to register people who aren’t allowed to vote, like convicts and illegal immigrants.

“In a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland this week, Mississippi Secretary of State Michael Watson highlighted President Biden’s Executive Order No. 14019, issued on March 7, 2021. Watson expressed concern that this order shifts the focus of Department of Justice agencies away from their traditional law enforcement roles towards voter registration and get-out-the-vote activities.”

L - President Biden R - Voting booth (Getty Images): attempt to register illegals to vote
L – President Biden R – Voting booth (Getty Images)

“These actions represent interference in state affairs and misuse of federal funds and manpower. Moreover, it seems that these actions have prompted agencies under your authority to try to register individuals to vote, potentially including those ineligible due to felony convictions, while also involving state and local officials in this endeavor.”

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“The executive order, signed by President Biden in 2021, was framed as an effort to address racial discrimination and safeguard voting rights. It directed government agencies to explore avenues for enhancing citizens’ access to voter registration and participation in the electoral process.”

In his letter, Watson expresses worries about the executive order compelling the U.S. Marshals Service to alter agreements with jails. These agreements usually mandate jails to supply voter registration materials and help with mail-in voting.

As per the Marshals Service, they’re adjusting 936 contracts or agreements to mandate state and local government involvement in potentially registering ineligible prisoners to vote. Additionally, the order requires the Department of Justice to assist with voter registration and mail voting for individuals in Bureau of Prisons custody.

attempt to register illegals to vote

“This initiative opens up numerous avenues for ineligible prisoners to become registered voters in Mississippi,” Watson conveyed to US Newz
s Digital.

He expressed his lack of confidence in the Biden administration’s attentiveness to the voting eligibility status of the individuals affected.

“I must admit, I don’t entirely trust the Biden administration. Here in Mississippi, we have strict rules regarding who can vote, especially concerning felons. Certain crimes lead to disenfranchisement in our state, and I don’t believe the Biden administration is meticulous enough in ensuring compliance with these regulations. They seem inclined to register individuals, including illegal aliens in custody, without properly considering our state’s laws. This is a significant concern that prompted me to write this letter to Attorney General Garland,” Watson explained to US Newzs Digital.

Watson’s letter details that the program offers prisoners misleading information regarding their right to register and vote in Mississippi, a right they may not possess.

“For instance, a significant portion of the individuals in the Marshals’ custody are convicted felons, who under Mississippi law, are ineligible to vote. Furthermore, many of those in custody have only temporary connections to Mississippi and do not fulfill the residency criteria required to be a Mississippi voter,” the letter explains.

attempt to register illegals to vote

Watson’s letter states that Mississippi jails are being urged to collaborate with other trusted sources of voter information to aid federal prisoners with voter registration, mail-in voting, and notification of upcoming elections.

“We have not been informed of any communication with our Office, prompting the question: which organizations are the Marshals partnering with to fulfill this requirement?” the letter inquires.

“Many external groups engaged in voter registration and vote collection are affiliated with political parties and have a track record of unreliability. There have been documented cases of these groups providing incorrect guidance to voters. It is inappropriate for the Federal government to involve partisan organizations in the voting process in Mississippi or any other state.”

The letter specifically raises concerns about the possibility of illegal immigrants in the Mississippi prison system being registered to vote through this executive order if the program is not closely monitored.

“We understand that everyone in the Marshals’ custody receives a form informing them of their right to register and vote,” the letter states. “Supplying ineligible non-citizens with information on voter registration undoubtedly encourages them to unlawfully register to vote, subjecting them to legal risks beyond their immigration status.”

Watson’s letter expresses astonishment at the Biden administration’s decision to allocate taxpayer dollars and essential law enforcement resources to a program that could potentially inflate state voter rolls with ineligible and non-citizen voters. This decision is particularly alarming, given the current situation of millions of illegal immigrants crossing the southern border.

President Joe Biden walks with U.S. Border Patrol agents along a stretch of the U.S.-Mexico border in El Paso Texas, Sunday, Jan. 8, 2023.  (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

Watson emphasized to US Newzs Digital that this issue is urgent, especially with a presidential election only 8 months away.

“When you observe the situation at the border with a large influx of illegal aliens into our country, consider the efforts being made to register them to vote, and that’s the crux of the matter,” Watson stated. “It’s about exerting control and maintaining their power, which unfortunately puts our country in a precarious position. This is an immediate concern, and we hope they will heed our request to halt the program.”

“We’re seeking information about which prisons they’re operating in within Mississippi. We’ve requested documentation from them to clarify their activities in our prisons. We must know which prisoners they’ve engaged with so we can determine their eligibility to vote. I believe it’s essential for all states to take notice of this issue and push back vigorously. With the upcoming November election, it holds immense importance for the future of our country. What remains of it, that is.”

Honest Elections Project Executive Director Jason Snead praised Watson’s letter for highlighting a program that jeopardizes election integrity and voter confidence for political gain.

“The Biden Administration is aggressively pursuing a partisan get-out-the-vote scheme using taxpayer dollars,” Snead remarked. “They’re leaving no stone unturned, from potentially registering ineligible voters and non-citizens using law enforcement resources, to the recent announcement of using taxpayer funds to incentivize students to collaborate with left-wing groups and mobilize young voters.”

US Newzs Digital contacted the White House and Department of Justice for comment, but they did not respond.

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