Presidential candidates weigh in on historic speaker ousting, who they’d like to see fill the chair

Kevin McCarthy was ousted as Speaker on Tuesday

GOP 2024 presidential candidates

The 2024 GOP presidential candidates hold varying opinions on who should assume the currently vacant role of Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., orchestrated a controversial move to oust former Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., who had assumed the position in January after a lengthy 15-round voting process.

DeSantis says Trump’s lead is only because people haven’t decided yet

Despite their slim majority and unanimous support from House Democrats, a group of eight Republicans joined forces with every Democrat on the floor, successfully removing McCarthy on Tuesday.

The names of potential candidates for the Speaker position have been circulating, including Reps. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, Steve Scalise, R-Louisiana, Tom Emmer, R-Minnesota, and Kevin Hern, R-Oklahoma. The House is now hurrying to elect a new speaker in the coming days.

Following suggestions by several members of Congress that former President Donald Trump should be considered for the position of Speaker of the House, Trump announced his support for Congressman Jim Jordan for the role.

“Representing Ohio’s 4th Congressional District, Congressman Jim Jordan was a special person long before his highly successful trip to Washington, D.C.,” Trump said on his Truth social platform. “He will make an excellent Speaker of the House, and he has my full and unwavering approval!”

Jordan-Scalise(Getty Images)

Meanwhile, GOP presidential candidate and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis shared his thoughts with reporters outside a campaign event this week. The next Speaker of the House noted that he had personal preferences, but joked that it was not a role he would aspire to.

DeSantis was quick to share his perspective on Tuesday’s events in Washington, D.C., taking to X (formerly Twitter) to express his stance. He said he opposed Kevin McCarthy even when he was not the popular choice and emphasized McCarthy’s close association with Donald Trump.

Florida’s governor also suggested GOP Reps. Chip Roy, Thomas Massey, and Jim Jordan could be potential candidates for the seat.

Former Vice President Mike Pence expressed his frustration over the situation during an appearance on The Megyn Kelly Show, saying, “I am deeply disappointed to see Gaetz and several other members of Congress join forces with every single Democrat in the House of Representatives. The Republican Speaker of the House.” Pence called the eight Republicans representing a “caucus of chaos.”

Pence refrained from specifically naming his preference for the next Speaker but suggested a change in House rules. He proposed an amendment that would require more than just one member to introduce a motion to remove the Speaker of the House.

Governor Tim Scott, R-S.C., also kept his options open regarding the next Speaker. He told Fox News Digital, “I am eager to collaborate with whoever becomes the next Republican Speaker when I assume the presidency of the United States.” Scott emphasized the importance of uniting the Republican Party to counter the path to socialism and focus on delivering results for the American people. He underscored the need to secure the border, address teachers’ unions, and end what he referred to as “Bidenomics.”

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