Nikki Haley refuses to drop out of GOP primary race amid feud with Lara Trump

Former South Carolina Gov Nikki Haley vows to stay in the race no matter the outcome of Saturday’s primary in her home state


Lara Trump, the daughter-in-law of former President Trump and a candidate for co-chair of the Republican National Committee (RNC), criticized presidential candidate Nikki Haley for her pledge to stay in the race regardless of the outcome of Saturday’s South Carolina primary.

Speaking to US Newzs Digital during a campaign event in North Charleston, South Carolina, on Wednesday, Trump questioned Haley’s determination, saying it “doesn’t seem logical,” and suggested that her campaign was being sustained by donors.


Trump’s remarks follow closely on the heels of criticism she faced from Haley after suggesting that all RNC funds should be allocated towards former President Trump’s re-election. “We don’t crown kings in America,” Haley remarked in response.

Lara Trump told US Newzs that there comes a moment when it’s clear Nikki Haley won’t be the Republican nominee—there’s no viable path for her. “Then why continue in the race? Why oppose the Republican nominee, the leader of the party?” she questioned.

Trump hinted the only conceivable reason is that Haley is counting on legal issues to impede former President Trump’s run, which she called the “most undemocratic, un-American outcome” possible.


“I will say that anyone who doesn’t stand up and resist such interference, calling it out for what it is—election meddling—shouldn’t be running for President of the United States,” she said.

“So why she is still in this race is a mystery to many. It’s time for Nikki to halt her campaign and join Team Trump, so we can unite and focus on defeating Joe Biden in November to win the White House,” she added.

When asked about how former President Trump would manage a prolonged primary race with Haley, Trump brushed off any concerns, stating that her father-in-law “has nothing to worry about.”

GOP primary race

“She’s on the verge of a probable embarrassing defeat in her home state of South Carolina,” she said. “I believe Donald Trump has shifted his attention to the real opponent we should all be concentrating on, which is Joe Biden. He’s the one we need to defeat in November.”

“If she wants to continue in this race, draining people’s resources and opposing him, that’s her choice. But I believe the American people are concentrating on what we must do to reclaim this country in November,” she added.

US Newzs Digital has contacted Haley’s campaign for a response.

According to a Suffolk University/USA Today poll of South Carolina voters released on Tuesday, Trump maintains a commanding lead with 63% support compared to Haley’s 35%.

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