Neighbor erupts over barking dog

A Brisbane local has erupted into fury over his neighbor’s barking dogs – before cracking open a cold one and offering it to his adversary through the gate.

In the extreme interaction, the two men – one of whom is shirtless, with a full sleeve tattoo – can be seen locked in a shouting match through a screen door, as they argue over the younger man’s barking dogs.

In a video of the exchange posted to TikTok, the neighbors appear to be locked in a disagreement – not over whether the dogs bark too much, but over how many there are.

“I walk past you all the f***ing time, all hours of the day, your dog barks. You say nothing,” the older man yells. “The solution to your dog problem was to get another one, you f***wit.”

Footage on TikTok shows the men locked in an argument over two barking dogs.
Footage on TikTok shows the men locked in an argument over two barking dogs.

His tattooed neighbor angrily replies, “I’ve had two the whole f***ing time.”

But the older man shouts back, “Mate, there was only one dog barking here f***ing six months ago,” which was met with: “No there wasn’t, there was two.”

At the height of his fury, though, the angry neighbor pulls a can from his reusable shopping bag and cracks it open – and the conflict dissipates.

“Cheers. You want one?” he asks, as he takes a sip.

“No, I’m fine mate,” the dog owner replies, before agreeing to “sort this out like men.”

The older neighbor admits to owning a number of barking guard dogs over the years, including pit bulls and pit bull-rottweiler mixes, his anger mostly gone.

“It’s annoying. It’s annoying when you walk past,” he says.

“They’re allowed to bark in their own yard,” the dog owner counters, claiming he had put up cladding to keep the dogs away from the fence.

“In that corner, mate, I was this close to going ‘bang’, straight in the f***ing gob. It would have shattered its head,” the furious man says, miming kicking one of the dogs in the head.

TikTok users poked fun at the expletive-filled exchange.

“While drinking down a 1.8 bundy slammer,” one commenter joked.

“Going off but still offered a beer,” another wrote.

Other users guessed the two men would soon be great friends.

“He just wants a friend but doesn’t know how,” one wrote of the older man.

“These two blokes will be best mates in no time,” another user replied.

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