The Hamas attack on Israel rocks the 2024 presidential campaign

Foreign policy takes center stage in the 2024 race for the White House following the deadly assault by Hamas attack on Israel

In an instant, the dynamics of the White House race took a sharp turn; It happened last Saturday when Hamas militants, backed by Iran, carried out the deadliest attack on Israel in decades.

The surprise attack on Israel occurred on the eve of a major Jewish holiday; This immediately catapulted foreign policy, one of the many key issues of the presidential campaign in the past, to the forefront of campaign discourse.

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Ryan Williams, a Republican strategist and communicator with a history of working on multiple GOP presidential campaigns, emphasized the importance of this development, saying, “The tragic events in Israel have actually changed the political conversation in the United States, now with foreign policy at its core.”

Former President Donald Trump, during a campaign appearance in New Hampshire on Monday, directed his criticism at his successor in the White House, saying, “Today we see an all-out conflict in Israel and its rapid escalation underscores the president’s influence. Maybe.”

Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, who previously served as ambassador to the United Nations in the Trump administration and is now challenging the former president for the 2024 presidential bid, delivered a tough message to Hamas in an interview with Fox News in Iowa. “Our message to Hamas is clear: Your days are numbered. We will not allow Israelis, Americans, or anyone else to be terrorized. This reign of terror is coming to an end.”

The Hamas attack on Israel rocks the 2024 presidential campaign

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, in an official statement, emphasized the importance of unwavering support for Israel, stressing that “we must not only stand with Israel but also provide the support they need as they pursue and eliminate these barbaric threats.”

Sen. Tim Scott’s presidential campaign has announced that the South Carolina lawmaker will address a prominent conservative think tank in the nation’s capital on Tuesday. He will give a speech on “Standing shoulder to shoulder with Israel and eliminating Hamas”.

On Wednesday, Republican White House contender and North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum will visit the same think tank, the Hudson Institute. During his visit, Burgum’s advisers suggested a “comprehensive foreign policy vision aimed at enhancing America’s security” after the recent attack on Israel.

Responding to the “horrific terrorist attack on Israel” that left more than 900 Israelis dead and more than 2,000 injured, President Biden issued a statement Monday expressing solidarity: “In this time of grief, the American people stand united with the people of Israel.”

The attack by Hamas resulted in the tragic deaths of at least 11 Americans in Israel, triggering a significant retaliation. The counterattack resulted in the loss of approximately 700 Palestinian lives and the wounding of approximately 3,000 people in the Gaza Strip.

President Biden reaffirmed the unwavering partnership between the United States and the State of Israel, emphasizing that Washington will continue to ensure that Israel has the resources it needs to protect its citizens.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, despite past differences with Biden, expressed his gratitude on Monday, saying, “I want to express my gratitude to President Biden for his unequivocal support.” However, Republican presidential candidates have not refrained from blaming the president for the Hamas attack on Israel.

The president has recently faced criticism over a $6 billion transfer to Iran as part of a complex prisoner swap deal announced by the Biden administration in September. About $6 billion in Iranian assets frozen in South Korea were moved to an account in Doha, Qatar, as part of a deal to free five Americans held hostage in Iran.

The Biden administration faced GOP criticism by stating that none of the transferred funds have been used so far. However, Republicans argue that the deal may have helped fund Hamas’ attacks on Israel.

Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi has insisted that Tehran intends to allocate the money “where we need it”. In response, the Biden administration has indicated it is prepared to freeze assets once again if necessary.

DeSantis emphasized that Hamas has gained strength from what he described as “Joe Biden’s conciliatory approach to Iran.” Meanwhile, Scott accused the attack of being the result of what he called “Biden’s $6 billion ransom payment.”

Former Vice President Mike Pence slammed Biden, arguing that the current administration “projects a sense of vulnerability on the world stage.”

Trump, currently in the race for the GOP nomination as he seeks a third consecutive term in the White House, accused Joe Biden of betraying Israel during a campaign appearance in New Hampshire on Monday.

Biden’s 2024 re-election campaign has issued a response to Trump’s criticism. Sen. of Illinois. Tammy Duckworth, a military veteran and national co-chair of the Biden-Harris 2024 campaign, said, “With every lie, Donald Trump continues to prove himself unfit to lead the United States on the world stage. Generals and other military leaders who have served under Trump, with first-hand knowledge, say his leadership has diminished our nation. Consistently stated that it made it safer, not more.

Republican strategist Ryan Williams said prioritizing foreign policy could benefit Trump in the race for the GOP nomination. Williams highlighted Trump’s four years in the White House, noting that he is “the only Republican candidate with that level of foreign policy experience, and he can point to a record where he believes his policy is superior to Biden’s.”

Both Pence and Haley are highlighting their international experience.

In addition to criticizing President Biden, Pence criticized his rivals over the weekend, saying, “People who advocate appeasement like Donald Trump, Vivek Ramaswamy, and Ron DeSantis have departed from the traditional position in our party of America as the leader of the free world.”

Williams emphasized that foreign policy expertise would be beneficial. However, “I don’t believe that necessarily separates Haley and Pence from Trump because they all served in the same administration. However, Trump can take credit for actions he took during his time in office.”

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