White House denies Biden called Netanyahu a ‘bad f—ing guy’ in private

Biden was recently accused of calling Trump a ‘f—ing a–hole’ in private


The White House denied a report over the weekend that President Biden has privately insulted Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, calling him a “bad f—ing guy” according to a columnist.

“Like everyone in the administration and any Democrat with a pulse, he’s deeply suspicious of Benjamin Netanyahu, and privately has called the Israeli prime minister a “bad f—ing guy,” Politico columnist Jonathan Martin wrote in a piece warning Biden of leftist anger at his policies.

Related Post: Biden repeatedly assailed ‘f—ing a–hole’ Trump in private to aides: report

Biden spokesperson Andrew Bates contested the remarks, informing Politico that “the president did not say that, nor would he.” Bates further asserted that Biden and Netanyahu share “a decades-long relationship that is respectful in public and in private.”

According to Jonathan Martin, Biden holds a “deep-seated fear” that Netanyahu might exploit American interest in the Israel-Hamas conflict to involve the U.S. in a broader Middle East war. This scenario, as outlined by Martin, could result in a continued flow of American weapons to the region, deployment of troops, and, amid the chaos, a reduction of international pressure on Netanyahu to agree to a Gaza cease-fire, thereby alleviating his domestic political challenges.

Martin noted that the disdain for Netanyahu among even firmly pro-Israel Democratic lawmakers is significant.

According to a House Democrat, speaking to Martin after a dinner with fellow lawmakers, there was a unanimous agreement that the Israel-Gaza conflict needed to conclude promptly, and Biden must assert himself against Bibi (Netanyahu).


“This is a political disaster,” remarked the same Democratic member of Congress to Martin. “The base is genuinely upset — and it’s not limited to the leftists. I have never witnessed such profound distress as I have over this Gaza issue. Bibi is viewed as toxic among many Democratic voters, and Biden must distance himself from him — urgently.”

Biden has faced criticism from former Obama officials regarding both his re-election campaign and his public endorsement of Netanyahu.

“You create political challenges for yourself when your public and private messaging aren’t aligned,” commented former Obama official and podcast host Tommy Vietor. “People don’t see Joe Biden chewing out Bibi on the phone.”

The Biden campaign did not respond to a request for comment from US Newzs Digital.

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