In Florida, Trump met with Hungarian Prime Minister Orbán, and Biden said he was looking for a dictatorship

Biden blasted the pair’s meeting, claiming Trump is ‘looking for a dictatorship’.

Former President Donald Trump met with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, receiving his endorsement, which elicited criticism from President Biden.

Orbán traveled to Florida to visit Trump at his Mar-a-Lago resort on Friday.

During their meeting, the two discussed “a wide range of issues affecting Hungary and the United States, including the paramount importance of strong and secure borders to protect the sovereignty of each nation,” according to the Trump campaign.

Trump met with Hungarian Prime Minister Orbán 2

“There’s nobody better, smarter, or a better leader than Viktor Orban. He’s fantastic,” Trump praised. “He’s a noncontroversial figure because he says, ‘This is the way it’s gonna be,’ and that’s the end of it. He’s the boss.”

Following their meeting, the Hungarian leader endorsed Trump, asserting that the former president is among the few world leaders capable of fostering peace.

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“It was a pleasure to visit President Donald Trump today. We need respected leaders in the world who can bring peace,” Orbán expressed on social media. “He is one of them! Come back and bring us peace, Mr. President!”

Donald-Trump-Joe-Biden: looking for a dictatorship

Orbán, who has held office since 2010, has advocated for what he terms “illiberal democracy” and has faced criticism from international human rights monitors, including the U.S. State Department.

He has come under intense scrutiny for presiding over an increasingly autocratic regime in Hungary, with allegations of undermining minority rights, exerting control over the judiciary and media, and manipulating the electoral system to maintain his grip on power, as reported by The Associated Press.

Trump met with Hungarian Prime Minister Orbán

Biden criticized the meeting during a campaign stop in Pennsylvania, portraying the duo as adversaries of democracy.

“Do you know who he’s meeting with today down in Mar-a-Lago? Orbán of Hungary, who has openly stated that he doesn’t believe democracy works, and he’s seeking dictatorship,” Biden asserted.

He further stated, “I envision a future where we uphold democracy, not undermine it.”

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