The issue that could cost Trump the 2024 campaign

In 2024, Joe Biden’s age might seem like the biggest election issue.

Joe Biden isn’t very popular, but he might still win again. How? Because Democrats will keep making a big deal about abortion, especially in important states like Arizona. This focus on abortion could help Joe win. To beat Biden, Republicans need to figure out what to do about this issue.

Nikki Haley could be a valuable asset. She, the ex-governor of South Carolina, didn’t win against Donald Trump in the GOP primary, but she gained support from many women and moderate Republicans by taking a moderate stance on abortion. She’s right that Trump needs to win over those voters. To win, he’ll need support from his whole party and a good chunk of Independent voters too. If Trump convinces Haley to lead on abortion, traveling around the country and informing voters about the extreme position of Democrats on this issue, it could help him.

The issue that could cost Trump the 2024 campaign: Nikki Haley's future

Democrats, even though they deny it, support allowing abortion up to the ninth month of pregnancy, which is not liked by most Americans. This is the law they passed in New York, and it’s what they aim for across the country. Haley has credibility when it comes to this issue. She could assist in persuading voters that it’s the Democrats who hold extreme views on abortion, not the Republicans.

Because of the conflict and harsh criticisms exchanged between them, Trump is unlikely to ask Haley to be his running mate. However, unless Haley plans to run independently, which she has stated she won’t do, she will likely want to remain involved in Republican politics. Supporting the GOP candidate in November could greatly help repair her reputation within the party.

For both Trump and Haley, working together could bring significant benefits.

Donald Trump has changed his stance; he has shown support for legalizing abortion up to 16 weeks of pregnancy, with exceptions for cases of rape, incest, or when the mother’s health is at risk. This position aligns with the middle ground and is supported by the majority of the country.


However, the liberal media doesn’t accept it. When news spread about Trump adopting this widely-accepted position, Rolling Stone’s headline screamed “Trump Wants to Ban Abortion Nationwide: Report,” and other media outlets echoed similar sentiments.

Nikki Haley firmly identified herself as “proudly pro-life” during her campaign, but she also developed a compassionate stance on abortion that acknowledged the deeply personal aspect of the decision some women face when considering ending a pregnancy.

In one Republican debate, Haley stated, “I don’t judge anyone for being pro-choice, and I don’t want them to judge me for being pro-life.” She encouraged her opponents, saying, “Let’s find common ground. … We don’t need to further divide America over this issue.”

Haley and Trump understand the reality of the situation. They recognize that pro-choice advocates have consistently won every vote on abortion in every state, even traditionally conservative ones like Kansas. They also acknowledge that the abortion issue motivates Democratic voter turnout and fundraising.

They worry that despite women currently turning away from Joe Biden due to disagreements with his economic or immigration policies, by November, those same voters might prioritize a pro-choice stance over other concerns.


As for the Democrats’ stance, in 2021, 49 Senate Democrats supported H.R. 3755, the “Women’s Health Protection Act of 2021.” This legislation aimed to uphold the Roe v. Wade precedent at the federal level, as reported by The New York Times. However, the Times didn’t provide a link to the legislation, possibly because of its controversial nature.

The bill proposed allowing abortion up to nine months of pregnancy under certain conditions. Specifically, it stated that abortion could be performed if, according to the treating healthcare provider’s sincere medical judgment, continuing the pregnancy would endanger the life or health of the pregnant patient.

Under the proposed legislation, any healthcare provider, such as a physician, certified nurse-midwife, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant, could determine that the mother’s life was in danger, even up to a day before the baby was due. This means that a woman expressing stress could persuade a healthcare provider to approve an abortion at eight months of pregnancy. While this position is considered appalling by many, it reflects the stance adopted by Democrats in New York several years ago.


Abortion is likely to become a significant issue in several critical swing states, including Arizona. Pro-life activists in the state have initiated a “decline to sign” movement, but they may struggle to prevent pro-choice advocates from gathering the required 400,000 signatures to bring an abortion petition to a vote. The presence of an abortion-related ballot measure could significantly hinder Donald Trump’s chances of winning the state.

Last year in Ohio, a state that Donald Trump won by 8 points in 2020, voters approved, with a 57% majority, an amendment to the state’s constitution to protect abortion rights. In this vote, pro-abortion groups significantly outspent pro-life opponents, raising tens of millions of dollars from out-of-state organizations. This victory has motivated Democrats to ensure that the abortion issue is on the ballot in as many states as possible this fall.

This effort should serve as a rallying point for Republicans and the Trump campaign. They need to develop a clear position and message on abortion that will help address the issue. Nikki Haley could play a role in this effort.

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