Biden says his mental acuity is ‘pretty damn good,’ despite polls showing a majority of Americans disagreeing

Biden tells NBC News that he’s ‘old,’ but should be judged on his record

Biden says his mental acuity is 'pretty damn good,' despite polls showing a majority of Americans disagreeing

In an interview this week, President Biden asserted that his mental acuity is “pretty damn good,” despite recent polls showing that many Americans have concerns about his age and mental fitness.

“I’ve been doing this a long time. The idea I’m the old guy, I am. I’m old. But I’m only three years older than Trump,” Biden told NBC News. “And my mental acuity’s been pretty damn good. I’ve gotten more done than any president has in a long, long time in 3½ years. So I’m willing to be judged on that.”

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He acknowledged the public’s concerns, saying, “I understand why people say, ‘God, he’s 81 years old. Whoa. What’s he gonna be when he’s 83 or 84?’ It’s a legitimate question to ask.”

However, a new NBC News national poll, which surveyed 800 registered voters between July 7-9, revealed that nearly 80% are worried about Biden “not having the necessary mental and physical health to be president for a second term.”

A recent ABC News/Washington Post poll released last week shows that 85% of respondents believe President Biden is too old to serve a second term. Comparatively, concerns about former President Trump’s age have also risen, with 60% of respondents saying he is too old for a second term, up from 44% in the spring of 2023.

Additionally, a Fox News national survey conducted after the first presidential debate but before the recent assassination attempt on Trump revealed further concerns about Biden’s fitness for office. According to the survey, 63% of respondents believe Biden’s age is jeopardizing national security, and 71% think the White House has been dishonest about his mental state. Another 63% doubt that Biden is actively involved in making important decisions.

The survey also shows a significant decline in public confidence in Biden’s mental soundness. Only 32% of respondents believe he has the mental capacity to serve effectively as president, a 9-point drop since May. Among Democrats, this confidence has decreased even more sharply, with only 61% believing in Biden’s mental soundness, down from 78% two months ago—a substantial 17-point drop.

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