A name-calling strategy borrowed from Trump’s playbook by Biden’s campaign

President Biden’s 2024 campaign has adopted a new strategy reminiscent of former President Donald Trump’s playbook: name-calling.

Taking a cue from Trump’s playbook during his 2016 primary campaign, where he famously dubbed Republican rivals like “Lyin’ Ted” Cruz and “Little Marco” Rubio, Biden’s team is employing similar tactics. Trump also targeted Democrats such as Sen. Elizabeth Warren, whom he referred to as “Pocahontas,” and dubbed Sen. Majority Leader Chuck Schumer as “Cryin'” Chuck and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi as “Crazy Nancy.”

In the 2016 presidential race, Trump famously labeled his opponent, Hillary Clinton, as “Crooked Hillary.” And during the 2020 campaign, Trump referred to Biden as “Crazy Joe.”

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The Biden campaign recently sent out an email referring to the president’s opponent as “Broke Don,” a nod to Trump’s financial woes. This comes as the 45th president faced setbacks, failing to secure an appeal bond to delay payment of the $464 million he owes due to New York Attorney General Letitia James’ civil investigation of The Trump Organization.

A name-calling strategy borrowed from Trump's playbook by Biden's campaign

The email asserts that Trump is struggling to raise funds, isn’t actively campaigning, and has allowed individuals with criminal records and conspiracy theories to take charge of his campaign.

In retaliation, Trump has long criticized Biden, accusing him of avoiding the press and remaining secluded in his Wilmington, Delaware basement during the 2020 race – a point seemingly alluded to in the email.

During a 2020 appearance on “FOX & Friends,” Trump criticized Biden, stating, “We have a guy that doesn’t come out of his basement. Somebody like Biden, he doesn’t know what to do.”

“He doesn’t come out because he can’t. He doesn’t take any questions from reporters… This guy doesn’t come out of his basement, and he hasn’t taken one question.”

Recent election filings revealed that Trump’s campaign raised $20 million in February, while Biden’s campaign raised $53 million. By March, Trump’s camp had $41.9 million on hand, compared to Biden’s $155 million.

Reuters correspondent Nandita Bose shared a screenshot of the Biden campaign’s email titled “Not a Winning Campaign: Broke Don Hides in Basement” on Thursday.

Political strategist Ashley Hayek expressed criticism of the Biden campaign’s use of name-calling during an interview with Fox News Digital on Saturday.

A name-calling strategy borrowed from Trump's playbook by Biden's campaign

“Hayek stated, ‘Crooked Joe’s campaign just can’t keep up. Not only does he fail at mocking Teflon Don, but he also highlights his own department’s illegal seizure of the Trump empire, reminding Americans of the alarming overreach by his administration.'”

“Gallup polling shows that 66% of Americans view the DOJ negatively, [which is] purely a reflection of his failure of leadership,” she added. “Biden would be better off running from the basement again.”

Trump campaign communications director Steven Cheung criticized the Biden campaign email in a statement to Fox News Digital.

“If Crooked Joe’s broken brain campaign thinks it can play this game better than we can, they are in for a rude awakening,” Cheung wrote. “They have a cognitively impaired freakshow candidate who embarrasses himself every time he opens his mouth or shuffles his feet, only to fall on his ass for the world to see.”

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