House might vote on third-round speaker today, but path to majority is rocky

The House will reconvene at 10 a.m. on Friday with a possible vote as early as 11 am

The House of Representatives is set for a third round of votes on Friday; Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, is trying to reach the 217-member threshold needed to win the speakership.

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On Thursday evening, House lawmakers received a notice informing them that no further votes were expected for the day. It comes after hours of uncertainty as they await Jordan’s decision on how to proceed. The notice stated that the meeting should be convened at 10 a.m. on Friday.

Jordan’s office confirmed to US Newzs Digital that the Ohio conservative does indeed intend to vote by that deadline.

Although he suffered another loss, Jordan was an ally. Warren Davidson, R-Ohio, suggested that Jordan continue his efforts on Saturday and Sunday.

“We have heard from our colleagues and the American people; additional votes are expected over the weekend,” Davidson said on social media.

House might vote on third-round speaker today, but path to majority is rocky

Jordan’s journey to the speakership remains uncertain. Initially falling short of the required number of 17 votes on Tuesday, the number increased to 18 in the second round of voting on Wednesday.

On Thursday afternoon, Jordan held a meeting with some of the 20-plus lawmakers opposing his bid for speaker.

After leaving the meeting room, these lawmakers remained largely silent. Those who spoke to reporters indicated that their stance had not changed.

“We’re not trying to change our minds; we’re trying to change his mind. Our minds are set,” said Rep. John Rutherford, R-Fla., when asked if the meeting was aimed at persuading them to change their stance.

House Republicans began the day with a closed-door conference call amid reports Jordan may not proceed with a third-round vote. Instead, interim Speaker Patrick McHenry, R-N.C., was in talks to support a plan to pass the legislation in early January.

Jordan has retained the speaker-designate title in the interim, according to reports confirmed by two sources to US Newzs Digital.

However, the plan met with swift opposition from conservatives at the conference itself. Some have argued that this is unconstitutional, highlighting that the Speaker Pro Tempore’s role is limited to monitoring elections. Others expressed concern that the plan would give Jordan an unfair advantage in the speaker’s race.

After the nearly four-hour meeting, several Republicans emerged and insisted to reporters that McHenry’s proposal had effectively been rejected and was unlikely to move forward.

“It’s not going to happen,” Donald told reporters. “As I understand it, that’s the decision. I think even Patrick, to his credit and his commitment to the US Constitution, recognizes that we can’t just give somebody powers. We have to elect a speaker.”

Representative. Dave Joyce, R-Pa., and Rep. Jen Kiggans, R-Va. Like moderates, the proposal still has potential.

Throughout the day, Jordan largely ignored questions from reporters, including inquiries about his support for empowering McHenry.

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